Friday, August 19, 2011

So I'm looking for someone to help me out...

So I've been working my new job down here for about a month now and have realized that I don't think I'll have enough time to keep up with the blog, with me working 12 hour shifts and all. So I would like to add another author, who maybe has a bit more time on their hands and would like to post some awesome grind, etc... and maybe even write more than two sentences like I know most bloggers do. But anyway, if you're interested and you generally like the stuff I post (I'm not demanding you have the same taste, I just ask that you at least like grindcore a bit) just hit me up on here, or email me, or something and we'll get it figured out. I have enough fodder to last until next week, but after that it might get tough to keep up the schedule.

Also, you might try my other email:, my blogger email has a shit ton of spam on it...

1 comment:

Persona 101 said...

I can help out - I really respect and like your blog. If you want to check my 'pedigree', so to speak, you can check out my main blog at

Get in touch. :)